On Wed, 07 Mar 2001 00:54:34 -0800, Rob Tanner wrote:

>If the issue is pages after verify.jsp, you can 
>either create a session or simply create a cookie.  Choosing between 
>the two mechanisms should be pretty straight forward.  If you're doing 
>session kinds of things like an e-commerce shopping cart, for example, 
>then create a session.  But if each successive page, each get and post, 
>etc, is really independent of all the others, such as authenticating 
>prior to viewing a document archive, than a simple cookie will do. 

Hmm.. And what do I check this cookie coming from the browser against?
I mean i can't just check to see if ANY coocie is ther, i need to check
for a particular value their.. I'm pretty intrested in this not-using sessions
approach, but I can not understand it.. Please, Rob, could you tell more
on this?

Best regards, Tagunov Anthony

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