I have noticed that a number of other people have written with this problem, and I was 
wondering if there was a permanent solution yet.

When using jsvc to srart the Tomcat server with its own user ID, launched from a shell 
script in init.d during startup, jsvc aborts.  If, on the other hand, I launch the 
exact same script while logged in a root, the daemon launches correctly and stays in 
memory.  Finally, if I log in as "tomcat", it fails with exactly the same results as 
if it were launched during startup.

Not being a linux guru (yet) or a jsvc guru, I am guessing.  It appears to me as 
though the version of jsvc shipped with tomcat is attempting to write the jsvc.pid 
file somewhere that it lacks the authority to do so during the boot process.  My 
reading of the symptoms could be wrong, so I would like some feedback from those who 
are really knowledgable about these products.

Is there a solution to this problem?

Thanks in advance.

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