This is planned for a future release of TC 5 (it's available in the
'nightly' now).  And, no, I have absolutely no idea at all, not even a
guess, as to when this version will have an official release.

"Charles Baker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
I'm using tomcat 4.1.30 on Red Hat Linux w/ Sun JDK 1.4.2_03. In one of the other admins has redirected standard out to a log
file so that we can capture some info that would ordinarily only be seen
at the console. What we would like to do is have the tomcat container
itself, not just a particular web application, use log4j to log it's
messages. Also, after the container is up and all webapps have been
deployed, we would like to lower the logging level of the container from
say INFO to FATAL. We are already doing this with JBoss but haven't been
able to figure a way to do this with tomcat. I've googled and looked at
the archives w/o finding anything relevant. Does anyone have a clue?

Charles H. Baker
O: 864.422.5349 C: 864.201.8456
Whatever you vividly imagine, ardently desire, sincerely believe and
enthusiastically act upon must inevitably come to pass! -- Paul J. Meyer

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