It's true that how Overlapping security-constraints are handled has changed
between TC 4 & TC 5 (since they changed in the servlet-spec), but that's not
what is causing your problem.

The <url-pattern>/edit*</url-pattern> isn't valid, so it looks like you were
relying on an 'undocumented feature' of TC 4 ;-).  TC 5 will treat this a
match for a URL that is literally '/myapp/edit*'.

The valid pattern is <url-pattern>/edit/*</url-pattern>, so if you move all
of your edit* files to a subdirectory (and fix the links), then you can have
a wild-card pattern.  Otherwise, there is nothing to do but to list all of
your edit* URLs.

"Craig Berry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
I recently moved from Tomcat 4 to 5, and have discovered that the
handling of overlapping security-constraint definitions in web.xml seems
to have changed.  I am hoping someone can recommend the best way to
accomplish what I need to do under TC5.

I have two possible user roles.  All users have the role "User"; in
addition, some have a second role, "Admin".  I want to require at least
"User" role to access any page, but require "Admin" role to access a few
specific page patterns.  So I have two security-constraint entries, like
this (this is a simplified version):

  <web-resource-name>Secure content</web-resource-name>

    <web-resource-name>Admin content</web-resource-name>

This worked under TC4; since all users have the "User" role, everyone
could get at all my *.do pages, but users without the "Admin" role would
get a 403 if they tried to reach a page starting with "edit".

However, under TC5, it appears that permissions are adding rather than
subtracting, if that makes sense.  In other words, the presence of the
blanket permission for *.do makes all pages accessible, and the attempt
to add an additional rule about /edit* pages is ignored.

I could obviously enumerate all the pages in both categories, but that
would be brittle in the face of new development.  Is there a way to do
this with patterns as I did under TC4?

Craig Berry
Principal Architect and Technical Manager
(310) 566-7546

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