
>I re-read this. It seems to say there are only *two* wildcard options
>either /text/* or *.text. I'm not sure whether the *.text form will
>/some.text or just some.text.

You're right : many people seem to think /*.txt is a valid url-pattern,
and it's not.

>So I've got my HTML form reference looking like this:
>       ...
>       <form action="register.reg" method="POST">
>       ...

OK.  That means register.reg in the same directory level as the form
itself.  A url-pattern of /register.reg would work if your HTML form is
right under your docBase.  A *.reg pattern should work as well.

>However, this doesn't work. Any reasons why not? Beause I'm new to this
>not sure whether this is a syntax error here, or an error is my code.
>Whereever I have logging in my server.xml file I've set the debug level
>9, so I don't miss anything. But it seems not to push out anything. So
>you confirm the above is correct, I'll focus on my code.

Your syntax seems fine.  I'm not sure why it's not working for you.
Enable the AccessLogValve that's commented out by default in the
conf/server.xml file.  Then test again, and check this log so you can
see exactly what URL is requested when you submit the form, and what the
server's response is.

The Mapper
rg/apache/tomcat/util/http/mapper/Mapper.java?rev=1.40&view=markup) used
to have more debug statements in it, like "trying exact match for url
... -- failed" which would be exactly what you need here.


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