On Sun, 11 Mar 2001 19:57:02 +0100, Sven Rixen wrote:

>I have to develop a web application for my thesis at university.
>Therefore I want to place all files of that application (classes, jsp,
>etc.) in a seperate directory which is also on another drive.
>I am using win2000. The tomcat examples work fine and my own servlets do
>the same, as long as I place them in the examples folder.
>I now want something like
>Apache and Tomcat are on a drive G: while I want all my thesis stuff
>(including the application) to be on drive K:

Looks like all you have to do is put 
        <Context path="<---whatever you want-->" 
Haven't tried it much on not-Linux, but guess that should work.

P.S. You'll have regular web-app structure there, WEB-INF and its contents and all the 

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