yes i did and then clicked on first webapp but they dont tell you where to put the servlet. I am assuming you have to make a folder (any name) and under that folder WEB-INF -> classes(folder) -> web.xml file and then under classes i

web.xml goes into your WEB-INF folder, not on your classes folder.... in any case read http://jakarta.apache.org/tomcat/tomcat-5.0-doc/index.html

can put my servlet. Moreover, they arent telling you what url to use to run the program. I have tomcat and it runs and everything and i can run the given examples fine. but when i put my source code right in the folder where the example source code is and acces it by http://localhost:8080/servlets-examples/servlet/(myprogramname) it gives me 404 error.

Yep, that's because:
1) you aren't defining correctly your servlet mapping,
2) you haven't restarted, at least, the context of your servlet
3) you are too lazy to define your own context ;-)

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