
we have a problem when we try to use the JNDI Realm from tomcat (5.0.27) to
access Lotus Domino LDAP (Version 5.0.12) server. According the logs the
user can be found but the binding is somehow not successful. We tried
binding and comparison modes. Unfortunately we cannot use anonymous binding.
Does anybody have an idea what we should do? We don't have any problems to
configure TC to use openldap or the SuSe Server but in this case we must use
the Domino server.


JNDIRealm[null]: lookupUser(sg40543) [http-8084-Processor23]
JNDIRealm[null]:   dn=uid=sg40543,o=SHG [http-8084-Processor23]
JNDIRealm[null]:   validating credentials by binding as the user
JNDIRealm[null]:   binding as uid=sg40543,o=SHG [http-8084-Processor23]
JNDIRealm[null]:   bind attempt failed [http-8084-Processor23]
JNDIRealm[null]: Username sg40543 NOT successfully authenticated





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