I don't know of any problems with the Ajp12Connector (other than the fact
that it is old :).  It looks like it should get the query string from Apache
fine.  I also can't see why the request isn't showing up in the Tomcat
access-log.Of course, AccessLogInterceptor doesn't flush it's output by
default, but I'm assuming that's not the problem.

About the only thing I can suggest is to enable the LogEvents element in
server.xml.  This will give you way more information than you usually want,
but it may include something that will show what the problem is.

The Ajp13 protocol is better tested with TC 3.3, so if it's not too radical,
you might also try switching mod_jk to Ajp13.

"Marcel Stör" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hi all,
> I'm confronted with a very strange problem. I've "upgraded" from Tomcat
> 3.2.4 to 3.3.2 (we're conservativ over here ;-)). As a result my
> Apache-Tomcat connection through mod_jk is broken. Ajp12 runs on 8007
> and Coyote on 8080.
> If I access my app through
> http://myIP:8080/mycontext/myservlet?myparam=myvalue everything works
> just fine. Apache does all the SSL and virtual host stuff. So, I used to
> connect through https://mysubdomain.myhost/myservlet?myparam=myvalue.
> After the upgrade, myparam's value is always null i.e. it somehow get
> lost while in transit between Apache and Tomcat. The servlet itself is
> okay.
> I've checked Apache's access.log and I can confirm that it contains
> entries for /myservlet?myparam=myvalue. mod_jk does indeed forward the
> request (the servlet is invoked) but doesn't seem to pass on the request
> parameters. Tomcat's access log doesn't show anything as it only logs
> requests made through http://myIP:8080 (why?).
> Any ideas? I'm at my wits end...
> Regards,
> Marcel

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