
the config part in web.xml:


for 404, my errorpage.html is dispalyed
for 403, the following page is displayed.

=====returned page-what is dispaled in the browser==
HTTP Status 403 - Access to the requested resource has
been denied


type Status report

message Access to the requested resource has been

description Access to the specified resource (Access
to the requested resource has been denied) has been


Apache Tomcat/5.0.19

 --- QM <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> On Thu, Sep 02, 2004 at 10:39:28AM +0100, zhicheng
> wang wrote:
> : can any one tell me how to config tomcat 5.0.25 to
> use
> : custom error 403 page? I can config it for 404,
> but
> : 403 apparently does not work, even though some
> : articles say that the configs are the same.
> "apparently does not work" is hardly enough detail.
> The process should be the same for all error pages.
> Post your web.xml and perhaps the page itself, and
> someone here may have
> some answers.
> -QM
> -- 
> software  --
> tech news --

Best wishes
Z C Wang

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