I through I'd try re-explaining an issue I didn't get
an answer on before.  Hopefully this is clearer!

I've deployed two apps to a single instance of Tomcat
v5.0.25.  Both apps are deployed as the default app
for their respective domains (i.e. <Context path=""
...>)  The app deployed to www.mydomain.com does not
use authentication.  The second app deployed to a
subdomain of www.mydomain.com (i.e. dev.mydomain.com)
is deployed with FORM based authentication.  Tomcat
correctly presents the login page when an attempt to
access a protected URI is made with the second app. 
Unfortunately after submitting the login form, Tomcat
returns a 404 response and a blank page.  I believe
the backing realm and protected resource URIs are
correct because redeploying the second web app with
BASIC authentication results in the expected
behaviour...dialog box pops up requiring login when
the same protected URI is accessed and upon successful
login, the desired page is rendered.  I do not see any
error messages in any of the log files or the console
when the app is deployed with FORM based
authentication.  The same web app deployed to a
"localhost" host with an explicit context path (i.e.
<Context path="/SecuredWebapp" ...>) works correctly
with FORM based authentication.  If anyone can atleast
let me know how to troubleshoot (if not solve) this it
would be greatly appreciated (I've now spent 1 week on
Thanks in advance,

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