if you're forwarding from the "ChargeCard" directory, you just have to include only the name of the page in the forward directive (e.g. "something.jsp" or "./something.jsp").... the trailing backslash is directly referring the root context of "this" host

John Villar
Gerente de Proyectos
Computadores Flor Hard Soft 2058 C.A.

Xeth Waxman escribió:

I have a bizarre issue. Using Tomcat 5.0.12, I have an application in
the directory C:\jakarta-tomcat-5.0.12\webapps called ChargeCard. After loggin in, I am trying to forward a request to jsp page in that
directory. However, RequestDispatcher apparently uses the directory
C:\jakarta-tomcat-5.0.12\webapps\ROOT as the Document root, so I need
to go up a directory in my forward request (something like url =
"../ChargeCard/index.jsp";) However, RequestDispatcher requires a /
to start off the url, so I can't use the ../ start to go up a
directory. Does anyone have an idea how I would do this? I tried url
= "/../ChargeCard/index.jsp";, but that results in a
NullPointerException being thrown. All help is appreciated!

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