<Host name="edbg.fr" debug = "0" appBase="webapps/eros" unpackWARs="true" autoDeploy="true">

           <Logger className="org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger"
                   directory="logs"  prefix="eros-" suffix=".log" />

<Context path = "" docBase = "edbg.war" debug = "0" override = "true" reloadable="true"
useNaming = "false" swallowOutput = "true" >

Try the following (i'm basing my comments from my tomcat distro, 5.0.27 probably has the same functionality):

There should be a directory in your conf dir called "Catalina", inside there should be directory for every virtual host (i.e. "edbg.fr"), and inside the host dir there should be a XML file for every context (i.e. "edbg"). I have autodeployed wars and they do not include the ".war" extension on the context docBase, it just includes everything before the dot. I don't have any context definitions in my server.xml file thanks to this layout. You should end with 1 XML file named ROOT.xml in every virtual host directory with contents like this:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<Context docBase="edbg" path="" debug = "0" override = "true"
reloadable="true" useNaming = "false" swallowOutput = "true">

that should do the trick, if you write those three files, be sure to delete your context definition from server.xml

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