On Tue, Sep 28, 2004 at 08:36:39AM +0200, Xavier Frisaye wrote:
: I need to add a directory to class path of Tomcat and i'm using catalina.bat
: to launch it.
: Is there a way to do this without modifying original .bat of tomcat release?

The safest, most portable[1] way to add to a classpath is to wrap your
data in a JAR and place that in one of:

        {tomcat install}/common/lib
        {tomcat install}/shared/lib

JARs in these directories are picked up automagically by Tomcat, so
there's no need to alter a file.

Refer to the Tomcat classloader doc to decide where to put the JAR.
(Hint: most likely, under {context}/WEB-INF/lib).


[1] = "portable" between different versions of Tomcat, as well as
between different (spec-compliant) containers.


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