I try to precompile my jsp's, copy all the precompiled JSP's into a JAR file, then delete all the JSP's. Less stuff to deploy. No surprises with respect to caching, or missing compiles, or broken JSP's making it to production.


Steven J. Owens wrote:

Hi folks,

     I'm interested in hearing how people are dealing with
configuration management issues.

     We've been running into some problems with JSP recompiles,
particularly when the changed JSP is an included JSP.  Tomcat seems to
sort of get stuck on the old version, even if we restart tomcat it
doesn't reload.  Manually deleting the foo_jsp.java and foo_jsp.class
files from the tomcat/working/etc directory and *then* restarting
seems to do the trick.

Somebody I talked to suggested that using a WAR file and
redeploying would make tomcat more reliably recompile the JSPs.
I've been meaning to move to using WAR files sooner or later, but
one question has always bugged me - how do you save your
deployment-specific configuration info?

     If I understand correctly, WAR file is just a glorified JAR file,
which in turn is just a glorified tar file.  So unless you're
unjarring it, editing the config file and rejarring it, you can't
really muck with the config settings inside it.  How/where do people
normally keep the configuration variables for the webapp?

     We have a single tomcat installation with a dozen
almost-identical webapps, one webapp for each customer.  When we do
our jobs right, each app is in fact identical, except for:

- two colors in the app-wide CSS stylesheet
- the customer's logo image
- the <CONTEXT> tags in server.xml
- a few details of the web.xml file (webapp name, database resource name)
- a properties file with a couple dozen configuration properties
- a separate database in the mysql server

     We extend and refine the application constantly, so we're
changing the code every month or two.  So far we've been using cvs to
manage this.  Each webapp is a cvs checkout ; the specific files
mentioned above exist in template form in the checkout
(e.g. web_template.xml, styles_template.css) that we copy into the
right name for deployment and then edit, so they don't get overwritten
by cvs.

     Using cvs worked pretty well for a while, but it's gotten
unwieldly, especially when we run into the JSP recompiling problem,
because then we have to restart the entire server to try to get it to
recompile the jsp.

     This reminds me of another question; I'm beginning to wonder if
we wouldn't be wiser to use a dozen separate tomcat installations.  I
know that in theory using the same tomcat installation for multiple
webapps is supposed to be "standard", but any time we have to tweak
the server.xml-level configuration of a single webapp, we have to
restart all of them.  How do people normally deal with this?  Is it
at all common to run multiple tomcat servers behind apache for this
sort of purpose?

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