Hassan Schroeder wrote:
Dude, you need to get out more :-)

Wife, kids, house, day job, my own company off-hours... Getting out hasn't happened much for about eight years now :)

IFRAME is part of the HTML 4.0
spec: <http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/present/frames.html#edef-IFRAME>

Cool, I didn't realize that. Maybe it was just that support for it was not universal until relatively recently. The last time I did any non-IE development frankly was about 3-4 years ago, obviously much could have changed since then.

And you can use OBJECT to include anything -- text files, HTML files,
images, whatever; if it's a "browser-native" format, it'll just be

Something like this:

    type="text/html" data="alert-js.html"
    height="100px" width="300px">

:: will include the page referenced as "data".

That's definitely cool too, I never would have thought to even try it. I assume an <object> is available through DOM... does it have a src attribute? You know what I'm getting at: dynamic changing of the content. If that's possible, any idea how universal that would be?

Still, the most reliable solution for the problem at hand is probably
the META refresh...

No argument here :)

Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies

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