Damn! I was minutes away from actually helping someone (instead of always sucking up advice from the fast experts on this list)...

On Nov 16, 2004, at 10:23 AM, Anthony E. Carlos wrote:


I think TC requires the JDK (not just the JRE) so that it can compile JSPs. If this doesn't make sense, I can explain further.

-Anthony Carlos

On Nov 16, 2004, at 10:17 AM, Allistair Crossley wrote:

does the client machine have JAVA_HOME as an environment variable?

-----Original Message-----
From: Hubble, Christopher [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 16 November 2004 15:09
Subject: Tomcat JRE vs JDK Issue

I'm trying to run Tomcat 5.0.28 on W2k client machine. On my machine, it runs fine, with no problems. But when I copy it over to the client machine, which has the 1.4.2_05 JRE on it, Tomcat won't run, and says that it requires the JDK. Why is this, and is there a workaround, or do I have to install the JDK? I don't remember having this issue with 4.x. Is it 5.x specific? TIA.


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