I don't want to hard code classpaths in my tomcat.sh. It would be nice
if I could specify this option as part of my web.xml file or atlease
part of the context for my app. When I WAR up the application and deploy
it I don't want the client recieving it to have to hack up his/her
configuration just form my app. My problem is that I am using some
packages from the w3c group. Tomcat also uses some these packages. The
version that I have is newer than the one Tomcat uses, So I need mine to
load on the classpath first, or I need Tomcat to catch up.

Thanks for the response,

Arnaud Vandyck wrote:
> Denny Chambers wrote:
> >
> > Does anyone know if there is an option in Tomcat that would allow me to
> > specify if I want my projects classpath (/WEB-INF/lib;/WEB-INF/classes)
> > loaded before Tomcat's classpath?
> Change the $TOMCAT_HOME/bin/tomcat.sh script... or I did not understand
> the question...
> --
> Arnaud Vandyck <http://www.ressource-toi.org/>

Denny Chambers
Linux Java Engineer
Connex, Inc
Voice: 770-455-7653
Fax: 770-455-7325

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