> From: Chris Cherrett [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> The queries are very complex in this case. I will look into 
> indexing and see 
> what I can do. Thanks for the help. I will post back to tell 
> you what I come up with.

Best of luck!  I find that capturing a workload and replaying it is the
only way to do this sensibly.  Haven't looked at mySQL tuning, but a
swift Google reveals http://amr.activechannel.net/myprofiler.htm at $50
- may be worth it simply to take some of the spadework out of load
capture, or there may well be free tools available!  Not sure I'd trust
its index tuning wizard any more than I trust the M$ one (i.e. a source
of interesting ideas to be verified in the real world).

                - Peter

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