
forgive the rambling nature of this message. my basic question is how
do i get more detailed logging out of tomcat. i'm trying to set up a
JNDIRealm to authenticate to an ldap server. in my realm config i've
got the debug="99" name/value pair. my realm is included inside my
host container. i see no debug output anywhere. where should i see
this output?

i also have an accesslog valve inside the host container like this:

        <Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve"
          prefix="localhost_access_log." suffix=".out"

the localhost_access_log... files are being created with very minimal
information in them. is this where the debug output from the realm
should go, or in the catalina.out directory?

i've also followed the steps exactly to try and configure log4j as found here:


after stopping and restarting tomcat, my log4j settings seem to have
made no difference. they don't seem to be working at all. my log file
as specified in the log4j.properties file is not being created. is
there something further i must do to get this working?

is there anything i can do to get more detailed logging out of tomcat
and especially my realm config?

sorry for the mess of questions. i appreciate any help, direction, or guidance!


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