Ben Souther said:
> This is probably the bug you're talking about.

Aha.  Thanks Ben.  That clears up most of it in one go.

So it was fixed in 5.0.29 but as far as I can see (from the Jakarta news
page and the TC download page) there hasn't been a 5.0.x "final" release
since 5.0.28 (which I'm already running).  So am I right that if I don't
want to use "beta" releases, then to fix this I need to go to 5.5.4?  I
understand that the switch up to 5.5 brings in the need to make other
changes to my code, ISTR logging and some aspects of config are slightly

Also, can anyone shed any light on my third point below please :

> A third point (and perhaps wandering slightly now) is raised 
> by the logged
> NotSerializiableException message: 
> INFO: Cannot serialize session attribute LOGGED_IN_USER 
> for session 58FD0ECF29BDCEB9DC096C5DF57A1DCC
> core.servlet.processor.SubmitLogin
> at
> this message is odd in that it refers to one of my classes 
> ("SubmitLogin")
> which, to my mind, has nothing to do with serialisation 
> issues.  What does
> the error message mean when it quotes my class name
> (core.servlet.processor.SubmitLogin) as the error message?  I 
> know that this
> is certainly *not* the class of any object stored in the 
> session - I have
> checked this from my event listening class's logs - I write 
> all the session
> attributes to the log as each one is added.

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