>  >Everything ran great. I got Tapestry examples working fine.
>  >
>  >And then based on working web apps, I moved some of the Tapestry jars
>  >shared/lib. All of a sudden the classloader couldn't find
>  >ServletInputStream.
> That's a bit bizarre

Exactly my point. I know that if you have multiple servlet-api.jars in the
class path you get that sort of error, so I verified about a hundred times
that I hadn't, and then decided to get some better logging output to figure
out what went wrong.

>  >Then I realised that I needed to install commons logging and log4j to
>  >proper logging, so I put them in commons as described. Now I get a
>  >NoClassDefFound on LogFactory instead.
>  >
> Did you put commons-logging.jar (*not* commons-logging-api.jar!!!!) along
> with logj4-jar in common/lib?  And did you make sure you webapp doesn't
> contain another copy of commons-logging.jar in WEB-INF/lib?

Yes I moved commons-logging-1.0.4.jar into the commons/lib along with
log4j-1.2.8, and renamed to WEB-INF/lib to no-lib (Shouldnt be needing
anything really)

>  >1) The logging guide advises to put the jars in commons, why not put
them in
>  >server/lib and in the invidual WEB-INF/lib to get per webapp log files
>  >no risk of classloading issues ?
>  >
> First, this assumes that the server applies child-first classloading
> behavior which is recommended by the servlet spec, but not
> mandated.  Tomcat implements this, and I actually like that it does, but
> most other servers I know of either don't provide for it or provide it as
> non-default option.  This means that putting your logging jars in
> WEB-INF/lib does not guarantee per-webapp log files unless you stick to
> Tomcat.  This can be better accomplished by using a repository selector in
> Log4j (especially when Log4j-1.3 is released as it makes usage of such
> selectors much easier).
> http://wiki.apache.org/logging-log4j/AppContainerLogging

Well, I just wondered why the Tomcat docs were not at least explaining such
considerations. Others have warned against the repository selector until 1.3
comes out. And I'm sure that I am not the only one who would want seperate
logging facilities working painlessly in their current environment.

Thanks for the input,


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