QM wrote:

As no one else has jumped on this yet, I'll take a stab at it:

Thank you.

1/ any reason you're running 5.0.30? Unless I've missed a list post (a
possibility) that's still in beta.

Because I had the same error under 5.0.19 and figured I get the latest.

2/ could you crank up the log verbosity to see what else is going on as
the filter's being loaded? What if the filter's init() method is
throwing an exception/error/etc?

How do I crank up the verbosity level.

3/ identical environments, other than the OS difference? i.e. same
classpath and JAR versions all around, same JDK version, same Tomcat,
same webapp version, etc?

No. Not an os difference at all. Oh, I see people might have assumed Sun 8 as Solaris 8. Sheesh.
I should have specified the Sun Application Server version 8 (8.01). Both, the Sun Appserver (which uses embedded Tomcat!) and Tomcat are running on WinXP SP1. ALL the settings are the same, launched from the same IDE.


Thanks again.

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