
Mark Thomas wrote:
I'll look at the arbitrary file system root next.

Thanks! I'll get to it as soon as I get more pressing things out of the way, but that may be a week or two.

I currently do a file store in another part of the project and make the results available via URIs. I have two variables:


In essence, when a request for a URI comes in, I simply relativize the URI to baseURI, and then resolve it to baseDirectory. Getting the URI of a file in the filesystem requires the reverse process.

For the WebDAV servlet, base URI is "configured" by the servlet mapping: "webdav/*" would essentially set the base URI to "";. As we've discussed, the base directory would need to be set in a configuration somewhere.

Personally, I'd put the configuration in a context parameter, such as:

<Parameter name="webdavBaseDirectory" value="C:\data\webdav\"/>

I would *not* put it in the web.xml file, because I want to take the .war and simply drop it on my server. The WebDAV parameter is a system-specific variable, and if I develop on Windows but deploy on Linux, the WebDAV base directory is going to be different on each system.

Let me know if I can provide more help or input.


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