you could use jmeter's tomcat5 monitor. there's a coupl of commercial
tools out there that can monitor your production servers.


On Thu, 30 Dec 2004 23:27:05 -0800, Hari Mailvaganam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi:
> What would be the best way to monitor the performance of Tomcat -
> while in production?
> Apache HTTP server has an option that can view threads etc of a
> production web server.
> Does Tomcat have anything equivalent?
> On a separate note are there any kind of benchmarks on performance of
> Tomcat available online - i.e throughput, response times? It can be a
> challenge finding benchmarks that fits ones criterias  - as there are
> a huge number of variables to consider. I was hoping to find one which
> had a study the base parameters.
> Have a Happy and Peaceful 2005.
> regards,
> Hari Mailvaganam
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