The admin app appears to be broken in 5.5.4. I have tried 5.5.6 but it also seems to be having issues commiting changes. If you are just starting out try using 5.0.30 which is likely to be voted stable next week.


Troy Simpson wrote:

I am using Tomcat 5.5.4 with jdk1.5.0_01.

I am currently reading a book about Tomcat 5.
Title: "Professional Apache Tomcat 5"
ISBN: 0-7645-5902-8

According to page 53 "Chapter 5, Basic Tomcat Configuration" it shows
the node "Service (Catalina)" expanded to view view and edit
Connectors, Hosts, Logger for Service, and Realm for Service.

But I am unable to expand the node beyond "Service (Catalinia) to show
the Connectors, Host, etc.  Is this a bug in the Tomcat Administration

Here is a pic of what I see:

Although, I see an icon to allow me to expand the "Service (Catalina)
node, I am unable to.


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