Try the type 4 driver and make sure that you're not NAT'ing the addresses
anywhere.  Oracle doesn't like NATs, you'll need a sqlnet proxy in order for
something like that to work.  I've used Cisco PIX firewalls which have a
sqlnet proxy built in.

mike jackson

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Brad Rhoads [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Wednesday, January 05, 2005 4:09 PM
> To: 'Tomcat Users List'
> Subject: Need Consultant $$ [RE: Oracle 9i client connection 
> to 8i database]
> Importance: High
> Our web app needs to talk to oracle. All is well if the app 
> runs on the db server. But at a client site and on our now on 
> own network, if the app is on a different box, it can't get 
> an oracle connection. It works fine on 2 boxes at other client sites.
> A related item seems to be that since the change in our 
> network (we just added a fire wall, the app itself has not 
> changed), we have to change the Net8 configuration to use a 
> service name instead of a sid.
> The web app makes a connection using a sid. (I've been 
> looking for way to change our connection to use a service 
> name with no luck so far.)
> We've had a similar problem when the app was outside the 
> firewall, the db was behind it, and the firewall didn't allow 
> high-ports through. But in the case of our client and our own 
> case, both machines are behind the firewall.
> I currently have the webapp running on the db server, but the 
> client is very unhappy with this and my boss wants me to seek 
> what ever help is necessary to resolve this problem. 
> If you think you can help, please reply privately with your 
> rate, availability. I think everything can be done remotely, 
> but it might mean a trip to the client on Monday if we can't 
> work it out by then.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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