
Peter Monz wrote:

Hi All,

I have quite a problem with HTTPServletReuquest in some Servlets sometimes.

Sometimes if I access HTTPServletRequest in Servlet I get only a
"null"-Pointer and my Servlet crashes. But I can see in a HTTP-trace,
created with a spy programm that the date will be sent from the browser to
the apache server. -- Is there a konw problem?

Someone told me that happens because I use the post- and the get-method at
same time:


<form action=/servlet/test?send=y method=post>
<input type=text size=20 name=test2>

if you suspect this to be the problem, why you don't try it with only post? e.g.:

<form action=/servlet/test method=post>
<input type=hidden name=send value=y>
<input type=text size=20 name=test2>



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