> From: Martin Goldhahn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>  I had a similar problem, which I posted last week. You should find it
> searching the Subject field for "pluggable protocols in web 
> apps" if you keep old messages.

I keep some, but managed to delete that - a few days before it became
highly relevant :-(.  Thanks, Martin.

> - The problem is that URL tries to load the class with
> Class.forName(String) method (Check out the method static
> URLStreamHandler getURLStreamHandler(String protocol)).

How are you examining the source of this method, by the way?

> - To solve the problem temporarily is put the protocol handler in the
> class path. 
> - The disadvantage with this method is you need to distribute the
> protocol handler separately. And if you need classes from the web
> application, you need to add the webapp class repository the protocol
> handler's list of repositories.

Hmm.  That's going to be fun - there's a good few jars that would be
needed.  I'll see if I can separate them out.

Martin, thanks for the input.  I'm still interested in *why* the
expected classloader isn't used - anyone got any insights?

                - Peter

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