Hi Viorel,
I thank you a lot.
With absolute path it woks. 

Viorel Dragomir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

1. Code 404 appears when you can't find your jsp file. Do you correctly 
deployed it into an webapplication ?
2. You can get the file using the absolute URL to the file like [c:/myfile.xml] 
but you might want first to upload the file
to the webserver and then parseit.

Viorel Dragomir


----- Original Message ----- 
From: Janvier Majirus 
To: tomcat-user@jakarta.apache.org 
Cc: tomcat-dev@jakarta.apache.org 
Sent: Friday, February 18, 2005 11:42
Subject: reading xml file from disk with jsp bean under tomcat

Hi all,
I am developing a simple module of my app that simple reads an xml file from 
disk and adds it on my database. I used tomcat-4.1.30 and jsp. My bean 
implements a method 
readFileFromDisk(String myfile).
When i try to execute my jsp page i have error message with code 404: myfile 
(file not fund).
Should anyone know where to place my xml file so that with my jsp bean i access 
to it?
I run my bean in standalone mode, all turn well. There is something in my 
servlet context configuration that i don't know.
Any suggestion is welcome.
I thank all of you in advance.


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