Remy Maucherat wrote:


Mladen Turk and myself will do a free (registration required)
presentation tomorrow (Wednesday, February 23, 2005 at 1pm Eastern
Daylight Time (GMT -04:00, New York)), mostly on native web server
integration with Tomcat.

Topics which will be discussed include:
- short intro on Tomcat inside JBoss
- mod_jk configuration
- presentation of upcoming mod_jk features
- mod_proxy presentation

Nearly half of the presentation will focus on ongoing native connector
development and roadmap. It will be concluded by a demo of a failover
scenario featuring the newly added jkstatus. I know there are quite a
few people who are a bit confused about where this part of the Tomcat
development is going ;)

Will this be downloadable, by any chance? Some of us can't make it and have a shoddy Internet connection...


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