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Jeroen Kransen wrote:
| Hello,
| I think I already found the answer elsewhere ("it is not possible!"),
| but I would be very frustrated and disappointed, and that's why I'm
| trying here. What I want is to have a login form on the (publicly
| accessible) main page of my web site, so that a user can enter
| username/password whenever he feels like it, and gets more options after
| being logged in. When I put the form on the page, with j_usermane,
| j_password and j_security_check, I get a message "Invalid direct
| reference to form login page". This is true, because the "login page" in
| this case is the main page. How can I solve this problem, or what are
| the cleanest possible work-arounds?

Hi Jeroen,

You can't load the login page directly if you are using the realm
implementations in Tomcat, AFAIK. But you can use something like
SecurityFilter to give you that ability. I did a little write-up about
it here : http://cymulacrum.net/writings/secfil/t1.html. Hope this helps!

- -- ~ -------------------------------------- ~ Pascal Chong

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