Ah, cool, so you did not read the docs for the datasource realm, then ...


-> localDataSource

Easy when you know it, then. Tested ok. One problem down.


The 'factory' attribute of the 'Resource' element is mentioned nowhere... o_O
which is **BAD** because w/o the factory value the Realm Authentication seems to
reduce to 'Access All Areas' - you don't get no error in the catalina log 

You indeed should not be specifying the factory, and it works fine.

Damn...you are right, too. Well, I tested this twice and I was sure that there was a problem. Ah, well.

A look at the source reveals the default factory is indeed
"org.apache.tomcat.dbcp.dbcp.BasicDataSourceFactory" but you can specify it
through the system property "javax.sql.DataSource.Factory" or through the
"factory" attribute. Which is nice.

Please stop whining.

Should I take this as an offense? I don't whine. I either discuss bugs or use harsh language.

But thanks anyway.

-- David Tonhofer

  Resp. Informatique
  47, av. de la Liberté
  L-1931 Luxembourg

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