No, I'm not using container-managed security. No, my .css files are not in a
different application context (webapp) as the pages. But, yes, I am using

Other than the common MSIE6, unfortunately our problems don't appear to be
that similar.


-----Original Message-----
From: alexander dosher [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 13 March 2005 00:03
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Why doesn't JSP precompilation solve this problem?

> When I deploy the application, and I newly visit each page, all of
> the text is displayed but the other visual elements (such as
> font-sizes, table layouts, colours, and other formatting set by
> CSS)appear "broken".

are you using container-managed security?  are your .css files in a 
different application context than the page?  is your browser MSIE6?

if so, this *might* be similar to a problem i'm having, which stems from 
the fact that tomcat will serve unauthenticated http 304s ("Not 
Modified"). so IE will render the page content it has cached, but if the 
.css files come from a different context (or maybe even the same one, i 
haven't tried it like that) IE won't reload them - and apparently it 
doesn't cache them like it does the page. and you get non-styled ugliness.

haven't got a solution, short of filing the 403s thing as a bug, but 
this might help explain what you're seeing...


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