HI List.
    Does anyone know if is it possible to use two Webserverīs (Proxies, one 
external and other internal) connected to multiples TomCat application Serverīs 
(Grouped in Cluster) ? Better , Is it possible to have two connectors in 
operation at same time connected in same group of TomCat serverīs?
Cause, weīll need to provide access to external userīs by Webserver (Proxy 1) 
placed in DMZ and  will provide access to internal userīs by Webserver (Proxy2) 
placed inside of our network but the Application nodes (tomCat 5.0.x)  are in 
the same cluster (grouped by).
Figure  to  Ilustrate the situation
  BY                        +------------+             +-----------------+      
+---------------------------------------------+              +----------------+ 
Internet  ------------->    Firewall      ------->> Webserver1 ----------->>  
Firewall  -------->> Tomcat Nodes in Cluster 1,2,3   <<----------  Webserver2  
<<-------- Internal Userīs
                              +------------+             +-----------------+    
+---------------------------------------------+             +----------------+


External Userīs                                             DMZ                 
Internal Network 


                                                Other Serverīs in the  Internal 
network -            Oracle DB, Crystal Reports, WebDav Files

                            used by J2EE aplicationīs                      
Aplication Monitor, Email , LDAP




Thanks in advance


Acacio Furtado Costa
GIA - Magnesita S/A


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