Good afternoon Byron.

There is a way in JK to check the status of your workers and even configure them to some degree. It requires pretty much the same setup as in JK2; for details about this and other VERY useful info on putting Apache and Tomcat together see this webinar:



* Be adbvised that in order to view the webinar you need to install an ActiveX control in your IExplorer.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Guernsey, Byron (GE Consumer & Industrial)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tomcat Users List" <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2005 2:03 PM
Subject: Jk1 jkstatus?

So with JK 1.2.8, is there any equivilent method of finding the data in
the jkstatus scoreboard from mod_jk2??

I understand jk2 is no longer the choice module for Apache 2.0.x. Funny,
when we first upgraded to Apache 2, the official line was that mod_jk1
should not be used with Apache 2, and we needed to get with the program
and move to the refactored jk2- once we did, jk2 was no longer supported
and considered flaky- meanwhile on the Apache 2 developers list there
continues to be threads asking why people still use Apache 1.3 and
aren't upgrading to 2.0, or may even be downgrading in some cases from 2
back to 1.3- I think its partly because things like the jkX confusion.

So now we are running on an unsupported platform where at any time a
patch could create problems with mod_jk2 with no resolution except to
fix it ourselves, and sure ajp13_proxy is coming, but we won't be first
in line with apache 2.2 after playing musical chairs with jk1/jk2.

So what other things besides the scoreboard will I have to live without
when downgrading back to JK1?


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