Hi All,

        Iam facing problem with DBCP implementation
from last one week.I followed all the instructions
which are mentioned in the documentation section,but i
could not implement it.
         When i run the Program which is involving
DBCP, is showing the following error: 
    "java.sql.SQLException: Cannot load JDBC driver
class 'null' ".
        Normal JDBC Programs are working fine.I placed
all the three jar files and Jdbc Driver(Mysql
Connector) in $CATALINA_HOME/common/lib
commons-pool.jar and
         The configuration which iam using is:
              Linux Operating System (Redhat v 8.0)
              Mysql(v 3.23)
              Mysql Connector(3.1.7)
              Tomcat 4.1.24
              J2sdk 1.4.1

     I will be very glad to you,if you can assist me
in resolving this issue.

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