Hello Jeffrey,

I have no time to made a storeconfig backport to the Tomcat 5.0 tree. Sorry, the 5.0.x is in some places very
unfriendly. When you want a local workaround look inside StandardServer#storeConnector.
The probleme is the storeAttributes method calls for real Connector and also for ProtocolHandler
storeAttributes(writer, connector);
if (connector instanceof CoyoteConnector) {
ProtocolHandler protocolHandler =
storeAttributes(writer, protocolHandler);


What you need is a frontup merge, defaulthandling and renaming of some attributes (protocol at ProtocolHandler means sslProtocol at Connector Element) ?Arggh, ... very bad, but the 5.5.x Connector is complete rewritten and has a nice storeconfig module to handle some bad cases :-)
Implement a better Connector attribute saving algo, send me the code for testing

Why you want to wait, Tomat 5.5.9 is really stabler as 5.0.28.


Jeffrey Barnett schrieb:

Many thanks for finding and fixing the bug, however we are currently running 5.0.28, and not likely to upgrade until summer. Can you describe enough about the problem that I could track it down and create a local fix / work around until then?

Peter Rossbach wrote:

Yes the wrong saving SSL Connector is a bug and I fix it for Tomcat 5.5.x.

The old StandardServer saving code was strange. The new StoreConfig module has
a flexible customizable API to store server.xml and context.xml.

You can activate the new saving module with

<Server ...>
<Listener className="org.apache.catalina.storeconfig.StoreConfigLifecycleListener"/>

.... </Server>

This listener register a new MBean with more options to save the tomcat configurations.

Give 5.5.9 a try ... :-)


Jeffrey Barnett schrieb:

Mike, unfortunately I'm only gotten better at restoring server.xml after it has been corrupted. You are the first person from the tomcat-user list to even confirm that the problem exits on other sites.. One consultant I consulted said that they had never heard of the problem, but that we were also the first site he had worked with that actually used the admin function actively, By the way, just for the record, not only the secure attribute, but also the protocol attribute is duplicated, right? And only on the SSL connector.

Mike Dippold wrote:

I just wanted to check to see if you have figured anything out with the tomcat admin ssl duplicate problem. I have tried it on 5.0.28 and also 5.5.7 and every time I change a datasource or anything else, it corrupts the xml.

Mike Dippold

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