1. You will need to create a context for your application in server.xml.
2. You can put the database anywhere you want
3. You will need an MS Access driver, JDBC is just the API
4. You will need to put the servlet path in web.xml

You also need to read the Tomcat documentation on server.xml as well as 
examine the example.  You should also go to the Java Sunsite and download the 
Servlet2.2 specification and read it.  web.xml is a part of that specification and 
it's contents are thoroughly in the documenmt.

-- Rob

--On Thursday, March 22, 2001 06:37:48 PM +0000 João Folha 

> Hi there.
> I am new in servlets, jsp, tomcat and java.
> I am trying to build a simple application that consults a very small
> database in ms access.
> So, I Have a few questions:
> What a need to write in server.xml configuration file?
> Where i put my database?
> Do I need to download any driver, i already have jdbc?
> What i need to write in web.xml file?
> see you

       _ _ _ _           _    _ _ _ _ _
      /\_\_\_\_\        /\_\ /\_\_\_\_\_\
     /\/_/_/_/_/       /\/_/ \/_/_/_/_/_/  QUIDQUID LATINE DICTUM SIT,
    /\/_/__\/_/ __    /\/_/    /\/_/          PROFUNDUM VIDITUR
   /\/_/_/_/_/ /\_\  /\/_/    /\/_/
  /\/_/ \/_/  /\/_/_/\/_/    /\/_/         (Whatever is said in Latin
  \/_/  \/_/  \/_/_/_/_/     \/_/              appears profound)

  Rob Tanner
  McMinnville, Oregon

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