Paulo Alvim wrote:
> Thank you all
> It's good to know that we're not alone...but since we used to have workable
> 'hot deploy' others pre-J2EE App Servers our customers will insist with
> that - maybe we'll have to reconsider other App Server as our main
> Open-Source production environment option.
> Does anyone know if JBoss 4 makes improvement in this area? I really can't
> believe that it's so hard...
Guess that won't help, because JBoss uses Tomcat as web container.

Check: and try
Tomcat 5.5x

Generally these undeploy memory leakage issues are mainly "coded" into
the webapp or in libraries. Some references won't be garbage collected
when undeploying. There seem to be problems with commons-logging and
beanutils, but could also be self-made, of course.


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