On Sun, Apr 10, 2005 at 12:28:26AM +0200, Morten Sabroe Mortensen wrote:
: -Because real pages has more "power" over them than, say, a more simple
: wiki-page parsed to an XML-format and XSLT'et to HTML/XHTML/WML/XHTML-MP
: -whatever.

Depends on your perspective.

Some people would say, they don't want the pages themselves to have
power.  Common thought these days is to make the pages -- or any other
component -- as dumb as possible.  They should know just enough to do
their job, which in the case of a page is usually, "make the pretty
HTML." =)

: I want to be free to stash the content in a database, the file-system or
: some other WAR-external resource.

I don't see what's stopping you from doing this..?   WAR-external content
is nothing new.  People are regularly advised to do this if their content
(say, dynamically-served images) and code (webapp) must vary independently.

: I want to be free to have my hieracial
: "wiki-like" system deliver content by different means of processing -
: dynamic JSP's being the "missing link".

What is a "dynamic JSP?"

: Up until now, no filter or front-controller can control the origin or
: WAR-resources. 

Please explain.



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