JkMount /context/* worker1
JkMount /context worker1

-----Original Message-----
From: Geoff Wiggs [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: April 13, 2005 8:16 PM
To: tomcat-user@jakarta.apache.org
Subject: Apache Tomcat & JK Mod

I know this question has probably been asked 1000 times, but here I go
I have Apache / Tomcat and jk_mod all running correctly.  If I hit the URL
correctly (i.e. "www.server.com/context/") my jsp's and servlets come up
just fine.  Now I want to serve my home page (www.server.com
<http://www.server.com/> ) as a JSP.  My context is /home.  If I hit
www.server.com/home the JSP comes up just the way I want it.
How can I make the connection between the request for www.servername.com
<http://www.servername.com/>  and the correct context
www.servername.com/home?  Apache, jk_mod or Tomcat options would be fine, I
am just having a problem making the connection between the three work the
way I need.  


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