Hi Bogus,

Am Donnerstag, 12. Mai 2005 00:52 schrieb Bagus:
> Here's a more general question about Tomcat.
> I'm used to using apache to set up virtual hosts, but when Tomcat
> installed, http://localhost/ now goes to my tomcat installation. So
> how does one set up multiple virtual hosts with Tomcat? Is it in the
> server.xml file or something? Or do I somehow now modify my apache
> configuration to be able to use tomcat and the jsp files?

have a look here:


You need to know a bit about all three to successfully set up a virtual 


As regards the Engine element, the only important thing is the 
defaultHost parameter:

"The default host name, which identifies the Host that will process 
requests directed to host names on this server, but which are not 
configured in this configuration file. This name MUST match the name  
attributes of one of the Host elements nested immediately inside."
"You can nest one or more Host elements inside this Engine element, each 
representing a different virtual host associated with this server. At 
least one Host  is required, and one of the nested Hosts MUST have a 
name that matches the name specified for the defaultHost attribute, 
listed above."

So, if you should later change the hostname of the default host, that 
means the name attribute of the Host element representing the default 
host, you must not forget to set the defaultHost attribute of the 
Engine element accordingly.

(2) HOST

Different to the Apache HTTP server, a virtual host is not equivalent 
with a web application in Tomcat terms. It can host several web 
applications, and so the Host element only contains the appBase 
attribute and not a docBase attribute:

"appBase: The Application Base directory for this virtual host. This is 
the pathname of a directory that may contain web applications to be 
deployed on this virtual host."


Concerning the Context element, you have to observe three things:

a) "You may define as many Context elements as you wish. Each such 
Context MUST have a unique context path, which is defined by the path 
attribute. In addition, you MUST define a Context with a context path 
equal to a zero-length string. This Context becomes the default  web 
application for this virtual host, and is used to process all requests 
that do not match any other Context's context path."

b) Normally, your context files will be placed here:


So, if you should later change the hostname, that means the name 
attribute of the Host element, you must not forget to rename the 
directory of the associated context files accordingly.

c) For the web application which you want to run as ROOT application - 
http://localhost:8080/ instead of http://localhost:8080/webapp/ - need 
to have a context file called ROOT.xml:


Best wishes


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