Hello out there,
I want to start a process, a program by calling a servlet.
The servlet itself is creating a runtime on its vm.
It looks something like this:
String cmd1 = "/usr/bin/myproc";
    Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime(); 
    Process myproc = rt.exec( cmd1 ); 
    rueck_gabe = myproc.waitFor();

But at the Moment I get an error that this is not allowed for a Servlet which 
seems logical to me. So I have to change the catalina.policy.

The question is now: how?
What I have to do, to enable my servlet to start binarys on my host?

Can anybody help me?

Thank you very much!

Gruss Christian

Christian Stalp
Institut für Medizinische Biometrie, Epidemiologie und Informatik
Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
Tel.: 06131 / 17-3107

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