
Thanks all three for answering.

In fact, the error seems to appear because the loading of the file is done in the static{} initializer of a class. By loading the properties elsewhere it works (at least there's no FileNotFoundException yet, having a well configured log4j.properties is another business ^^).


Vincent wrote:
I want to load some files that I've placed in the WEB-INF/classes directory of my project (particularly the file log4j.properties).

The problem is that I always have the same errors logged in stdout tomcat's log file : java.io.FileNotFoundException...

The files are well-placed, and curiously my webapp can read a ressource bundle file that I provide for i18n, which is in this same directory.

I believed that Tomcat automatically place files under WEB-INF/classes into the path of the webapp. I'm wrong ? What's the problem exactly ?

Thank you for your help.

Note: Running Tomcat 5.5.9 under Windows XP or Windows 2000, JVM 1.5

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