To expand a bit on Richard's note ...

On Tue, 2005-06-21 at 00:32 -0700, Richard Mixon (qwest) wrote:
>  - Remoting implies distributing your objects across the network - a
> nice feature, but not often needed. Its talked about a lot - but for
> most applications its just not needed.

J2EE is a standard that encompasses a large number of standards
services, most of which are considered optional.  JMS, for example, is
not implemented in any commercial server directly.  Instead, you must
purchase a messaging system such as MQ series, (generally) a JNI wrapper
code to talk to the message service, and a JMS wrapper that goes with
the messaging system.  This all plugs into the app server as a set of
JAR files and a couple of native libraries.

JTA is an extension that, likewise, is optional and pluggable.  From my
exposure, it also appears to be largely an evolving standard, in the
sense that some of the things you would expect to support JTA don't
quite do so.

>  - Our Hibernate-based Tomcat application use Hibernate and jta.jar
> for
> transaction services and it works quite well. We have most of the
> advantages of declarative transaction demarcation.

Hibernate demonstrates why EJB is an optional part of the J2EE
specification.  It is fully reasonable, during product design and
exploratory coding, to unplug one persistence model and replace it with
another.  In the case of hibernate versus EJB 1 and 2, enough people did
this that Hibernate has effectively displaced EJB's in much of the
industry, and Hibernate is now the core of the EJB 3 specification.

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