whenever i access any web application deployed on tomcat, i notice that error
count for localhost/ default[/] increments (request count also increments, not
sure either if request count is suppose to increment..).  http connector error
count also increments.  i'm checking these counter values via the tomcat
"manager" web application as well as through my own servlet which accesses
tomcat mbeans.

even without deploying any of my own web applications (ie just after fresh
install of tomcat and w/o changing any default configuration), if i go to the
tomcat "manager" web application and continuously refresh it, it'll increment
error count for localhost/ default[/] and for http8080 each time i do the
refresh.  there doesn't seem to be any "error," so not sure why these counters
are incrementing..

i've checked the logs in $CATALINA_HOME/logs, but don't see anything suspicious.

here are the specific counters from http://<myserver>:8080/manager/jmxproxy
(indicated by <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ):

Name: Catalina:type=GlobalRequestProcessor,name=http8080
modelerType: org.apache.coyote.RequestGroupInfo
requestCount: 44
maxTime: 616
bytesSent: 1595769
bytesReceived: 0
processingTime: 2609
errorCount: 20    <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

modelerType: org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapper
engineName: Catalina
eventProvider: false
stateManageable: false
statisticsProvider: false
processingTime: 17
maxTime: 16
minTime: 0
requestCount: 19           
errorCount: 19            <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
loadTime: 0
classLoadTime: 0

any ideas?


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