
I run the same CMS here.  I've seen this happen when the repository
isn't initialized right.  Check the logs to see what happened, post the
version of Magnolia you're working with, and also ask on the magnolia


Patrick saad wrote:

>I am trying to run a CMS program called magnolia on my
>I made sure that everything is installed properly: tomcat 4.1.31,
>mysql. I downloaded the .war file and dropped it in my webapps folder.
>I also made sure that my environment variables for CATALINA HOME are
>properly set to my tomcat folder.
>After running the startup.bat, I try and log on to
>http://localhost:8080/magnolia/ but with no success, I get an
>unauthorized access:
>HTTP Status 403 
>Access to the specified resource () has been forbidden. by tomcat. 
>Is there something that I am doing wrong in my installation?
>I previously had installed another CMS program, but I removed it and
>reinstalled tomcat 4.1.31. Is there something that is blocking me from
>doing my installation ?
>Please help!
>Patrick S.
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David Smith
Network Operations Supervisor
Department of Entomology
College of Agriculture & Life Sciences
Cornell University
2132 Comstock Hall
Ithaca, NY  14853
Phone: 607.255.9571
Fax: 607.255.0939

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