I am implementing my first JAAS implementation and have some

Firstly my commit method of my LoginModule does the following (User and Role
both implement Principal)

// Create a new User Principal with the user name retrieved from the
User user = new User(username);
// Add the principal to the subject

for (int i = 0; i < roles.length; i++) {
        // Iterate the role names retrieved from the database lookup
       String roleName = roles[i];
       // Create a new Role Principal with the role name
        Role role = new Role(roleName);
        // Add it to the public credentials to see if it works
        // Add it to the private credentials to see if it works
return true;

In the JSP that the application returns to after doing form based
authentication the following occurs

<p>Subject = <%= Subject.getSubject(AccessController.getContext()) %></p>
<p>Remote User = <%= request.getRemoteUser() %></p>
<p>User Prinicipal = <%= request.getUserPrincipal() %></p>

But this produces

Subject = null
Remote User = administrator
User Prinicipal = GenericPrincipal[administrator()]
Why is the subject null please?

The request.isUserInRole() methods for the role names I added to the subject
also return false... has anyone got some helpful ideas please?

If more source is needed I can gladly provide it if will help

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