On Sunday 01 April 2001 11:48, Amir Nuri wrote:
> Hi
> I have two tomcat instances , each one of them has it's own server.xml file
> and it's context.
> My directory structure is webapps     ->App1->WEB-INF->web.xml
>                                               ->App2->WEB-INF->web.xml
> Tomcat#1 has App1 context and Tomcat#2 has App2 context (defined in
> server1.xml and server2.xml)
> On my web.xml files i have load-on-startup directive.
> My Problem is that i expexted that each tomcat will activate its own
> web.xml file ( in it's WEB-INF directory of the context)
> But every tomcat uses both web.xml files !!!!????
> The indication of the problem is that both tomcat's instances try to load
> on startup all the servlets defined in the web.xml files.
> Tomcat version 3.2.1
> Apache version 1.3.14 (Unix) mod_jk

If both Tomcat instances use the same webapps directory, each 
Tomcat instance will try to load all of the webapps within the webapps
directory, regardless of whether a particular webapp is identified in the 
server.xml file.
I believe that if you don't want to automatically pick up everything in the 
webapps directory, you will need to uncomment the following line in your
server.xml file:
<ContextInterceptor className="org.apache.tomcat.context.AutoSetup" />


Ed Gomolka

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